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  Drake didn’t say anything. He just let Scotty talk. Scotty faced him in silence for a couple of seconds and then fidgeted nervously. “I guess I’m trying to say sorry for freaking out. I really did need the help. Thank you.”

  As much as he didn’t want to soften up, as much as he wanted to stay mad so he could go home and maybe think about some other hot body to star in his dreams, he couldn’t do it. Scotty looked so humbled in front of him. His golden eyes twinkled with the light from the club door, and his usual crooked smile was back on his face. Not to mention all the action in the parking lot, then jogging over to Drake had left Scotty a touch sweaty. Jeez, he really needed to get laid if sweat was turning him on. Well, groveling and sweat.

  Fine, he gave up. He was over it. He was back to wanting to get in Scotty’s pants. “Are you going to tell me what that was about?”

  Scotty gave a slight lift of shoulders. “Not much to tell really. But um, I will tell you if you would be willing to maybe give me a lift home?”

  Drake laughed and indicated the passenger door. “You missed the last train, huh?”

  Scotty smiled in relief and went to the passenger door. Then he stopped and met Drake’s eyes over the top of the car. Drake lost his smile as Scotty’s eyes narrowed on him.


  “How much did you have to drink when you went to your office?”

  With a shrug, Drake lied. “I don’t know, one or two more glasses.”

  Scotty put his hand out on the roof of the car and wiggled his fingers in a “come on” gesture.

  “What?” Drake asked, looking from his hand back to his face, then back to his hand.

  Scotty just kept his hand held out while walking back over toward the driver’s side. “Give me the keys. I’m driving.”

  “What? No, I’m fine!” Drake said, closing his hand around his keys tightly. He could handle his liquor. He could handle it scarily well now. That should probably bother him, but it didn’t. It was a vice he was allowing himself.

  Scotty dropped his hand back to his side and reached for his pocket. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contact list.

  “What are you doing?” Drake asked.

  “Calling a cab. I am not riding with someone who’s been drinking. You might not care if you kill someone or yourself, but I don’t have to be a part of it.”

  Drake didn’t know what to say but then sighed. “Fine, here.” He threw the keys to Scotty, who caught them midair with a big smile. “I guess you remember how to drive it.”

  “I sure do!” Scotty said with glee. “I even remember how to move your seat how I like it,” he quipped as he dropped into the driver’s seat.

  Groaning, Drake plopped down next to him and slammed his door shut. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to get the seat back the first time?”

  Scotty pushed the button to lift the seat up and grinned. “Nope, and I don’t care.”

  “Of course you don’t.” Drake rolled his eyes, then let his head drop back to the headrest. He smiled as Scotty situated himself and relaxed back into his seat.

  “There, all set.” Scotty put the key into the ignition and turned on the car. After pulling out onto the main street, he coasted to a stop at the first streetlight. “What made you think it would be a good idea to buy a stick shift in the city?”

  Drake lifted a shoulder. “I didn’t really think about it. It has better gas mileage, and I liked the way it looked.”

  “Really, that’s all it took to get you to buy the car. Gas mileage and the look?”

  “It’s all I cared about. It gets me from point A to point B, and it looks good doing it. I don’t have much to complain about.”

  “Huh, I don’t think I buy anything that quickly. I have to go price shop and compare different brands, then you can’t forget the reviews. You should never buy something before checking the reviews.”

  Drake exhaled a laugh as Scotty shifted, pulling onto the entrance ramp for 90 and merging in with traffic. Somehow, even in the earliest hours of morning, the roads were still busy. They rode in silence for a couple of miles. Drake wanted to keep up the lightheartedness, but he was too tired to keep up a sunny disposition. Besides, he had too many questions. Like, what the hell had that been with the guy in the parking lot? Who was he? And when Scotty said it was over, did he mean it or was he still thinking about him, even while driving Drake home?

  Drake shifted his eyes so he could watch Scotty. Even though he looked tired, Scotty didn’t seem any more or less frazzled.

  “So, what was that about? With Craig, I mean.”

  Scotty chewed on his lip before answering. Drake thought maybe he was going to avoid the question and turn it around, but he didn’t. “Craig and I were together a while back. Well, at least we were friends and had an on-again, off-again relationship on the side. But then he got a job over in Cicero and I started working at the club and our hours shifted, and it was too hard to try and make it work.” Scotty thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “So, I decided that we should just end it, but Craig wanted to try and make it work. When I told him that it was more than just having inconvenient schedules, he asked if we could talk. I told him we could, and so he met me in the lot after work. We talked, but I guess I didn’t say anything he wanted to hear.”

  Drake nodded, letting Scotty continue.

  “He was hurt and angry. That’s all. He wouldn’t have hurt me. But—” Scotty slid his eyes so he could see Drake. “—thank you for stepping in anyway. I mean, I don’t think he would have hurt me, but you never know.”

  “You don’t think he might come back to the club and try to get you again?”

  Scotty snickered. “Well, I don’t think he will anymore, now that he’s seen the moves my boss has! Where did you learn to fight like that?”

  “Self-defense, jujitsu, and martial arts. I started when I was in middle school and kept up at it all through college and beyond. I like to keep up on it, and I figure it’s a good skill to have at the club. It comes in handy every once in a while.”

  “No kidding. Kind of like that kid a while back. The one that you took down who was messing with Natasha. That move was hot.” Drake lifted his brows and looked over at Scotty, who had a smug look on his face as drove. “It took about all the willpower I had not to run over and jump you right then and there.”

  Laughing, Drake shifted around the tightening bulge in his pants. “I didn’t think you’d even noticed. You hardly looked at me afterward, you were so busy keeping up with the bar.”

  “Yeah, I did that to distract myself. Because otherwise we would have just been a tangle of limbs on the dance floor.”

  Drake laughed again and shifted in his seat to try to find any loose fabric that might be left in his pants.

  “You know, one of the things that Craig wasn’t so happy hearing about was that I was interested in somebody else.” Drake felt a hitch in his breath as Scotty continued. “I told him that I couldn’t see him anymore because there was only one person I could think about and it wasn’t him.”

  Drake met Scotty’s eyes for a brief hot moment and then coughed and looked away. He didn’t want Scotty to see him blushing. Because he was. Man, he was flattered, embarrassed, and incredibly turned on. He didn’t let himself think; he just spoke before his brain could catch up.

  “Come over?”

  The satisfied smile that stretched Scotty’s face did not help the growing anticipation in Drake’s pants. In fact, it seemed to have an adverse effect, making the ride even more uncomfortable.

  “I was hoping you would ask that,” Scotty said and then pressed his foot down harder on the gas.

  Chapter 11

  IT FELT like one of the longest car rides in the history of car rides. Drake only lived about twenty minutes away from the club, but with Scotty sitting so close but not touching him and the expectancy of things to come, it seemed to stop time dead in its tracks. Time slowed, and roads elongated. He had never been so
happy to see his condos come into view.

  Scotty had barely had a chance to get the car into park before Drake dragged him by the collar to his lips. The kiss was feral, one that demanded action now. It was rushed and forcible, teeth nipping and tongues battling. Breathing suddenly became a nonissue because it didn’t seem important enough to stop. Nothing felt as good as Scotty’s arms wrapped around his neck and Scotty’s lips wrapped around his tongue.

  Too soon, Scotty pushed back, and with gulping breaths, they gazed into each other’s eyes. Drake licked his lips, tasting Scotty on him. Scotty pushed him back into his own seat, and Drake moaned in protest until he realized that Scotty was quickly undoing his seat belt so he could get out of the car. Drake, having already removed his safety belt before the car had pulled into the lot, shot out the door.

  Scotty hurried next to him, shoving the keys into his hand. “I don’t know—” He had to stop for a breath, his voice deep with arousal. “—which key to use.”

  “I don’t know if I can tell either,” Drake said with a laugh and with shaking hands flipped through his keys until he finally found the one he needed.

  It took too long to get the door open. It took even longer to get them both ushered inside. But then finally they were pressed together again, this time with Scotty’s body grinding his into the wall. The kiss was wild but now less rushed. Drake let himself explore the contours of Scotty’s mouth. He brushed his tongue along the line of his teeth and nipped at his lip. And then with untamed desire, he kissed along Scotty’s jawline, down to his neck. Once there, he took in a deep breath and savored the natural smell of Scotty. A hint of spicy aftershave and the lingering scents of alcohol and disinfectant from behind the bar all mixed with the pure organic masculine scent of Scotty.

  This time Drake pulled back, but when Scotty made a plaintive whimper, he smiled. He didn’t plan on going far. No, he just wanted to explore. He let his hands roam down along the front of Scotty’s shirt, barely touching, just the hint of fingertips along abs. But as his fingers reached the hem of the shirt, he delved under, letting skin glide along skin. He soaked in the hot flesh, following each hard line of Scotty’s abs. Once he reached as far as he could go, he stopped and tweaked his hard nipples, and Scotty let his head fall back with a moan.

  Smiling, Drake claimed Scotty’s lips as his once again. But this time the kiss was more relaxed. They didn’t need to be in a rush. They were finally going through with it, and there was no reason to make it end too soon. So, Drake let the kiss soften and enjoyed the feel of Scotty pressed against him, the way his muscles quivered under his touch as his hands continued to discover his body. Once he had his fill of exploration with a cloth boundary, Drake pulled Scotty’s T-shirt up and over his head.

  While Drake had been exploring Scotty, Scotty had been holding tight to Drake’s shoulders, every once in a while rubbing along Drake’s chest but for the most part holding on. But now Drake had something different in mind. With a quick move, he spun them around so Scotty was now pressed up against the wall. With firm hands, he clasped Scotty’s wrists and pushed them up over their heads. He held them there, sealing their position with a kiss, letting his hands glide down Scotty’s arms over his shoulders. Then dropping his head down, he explored his body with his mouth.

  Each flick of his tongue and sucking of his lips drew a gasp from Scotty, who had left his arms up where Drake had placed them. His fingers clenched into tight fists. Drake couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction as Scotty submitted to his whim. Giving Scotty’s nipple one last light tug with his lips, he pushed back and just took in the view.

  “Damn, you are beautiful,” he managed. And that was the truth. If Scotty was beautiful behind the bar, he was beyond stunning pinned up against the wall. His blond hair now disheveled and his eyes hooded from passion, he looked like a god. A god served on a platter just for Drake. Heaven knew he didn’t deserve him, but at this point, he was too weak to turn back. He’d had a taste of the elixir, and now they were past the point of no return.

  “Want you,” Scotty gasped. “Wanted you for so long.”

  Drake felt a growl in the back of his throat, and as he unleashed it, he yanked his shirt over his head and undid his belt.

  Scotty reciprocated, letting his arms drop. The only reason Drake allowed it was because Scotty was undoing the clasp of his pants. Excitement shot through him as Scotty quickly and without preamble jerked his slacks and his boxers to the ground.

  Drake dragged in a breath, soaking in the sight. It was almost more than he could handle. They had gone too long, had let the anticipation last for so much time, that now that the prize was in front of him and it was everything and more than he could have hoped for, he could no longer control himself.

  “Shit.” Drake pulled the now naked Scotty into his arms, attacking his mouth with his own, grinding his still-pant-ridden cock into Scotty’s leaking naked one. Scotty gasped and moaned, but he didn’t pull away. He pushed closer and fought back with his mouth eagerly.

  “What—” Drake tried to get the words out, but Scotty nipped at his lips. “What do you want?”

  Scotty moaned into him before responding, “You. I want you. Please.”

  “Are you sure?” Drake asked. He didn’t want to do something wrong. He didn’t want to risk moving too fast or assuming too much, and he didn’t want to do anything that would make their progress so far screech to a halt.

  “God yes, I am sure. So fucking sure,” Scotty breathed, pushing his hand between their groins to grab at Drake’s cock, tenting through his slacks. “Oh my God, I want this. Now!”

  Drake gasped and pulled back, tugging Scotty with him. “Condoms and lube in the bedroom. Come on.”

  Somehow, they managed to make it to his bedroom. He hadn’t even thought about how he left it. He wasn’t the cleanliest of people, but he couldn’t be bothered with wondering what clothing they stumbled over as they made their way to the bed. He couldn’t even care about the towel they collapsed on as they rolled onto the mattress. No, all he could care about was the fact that he was still wearing pants.

  Groaning, he sat up and kicked off his shoes and with hurried fingers fought with the button of his pants. Then with a little help from Scotty, finally they were pressed back together, this time skin to hot skin. Drake groaned as Scotty’s erection bumped his own, and he gasped as they moved their bodies to rub them together.

  “So much better than I imagined,” Drake said, reaching between them to wrap a hand around both their erections. He used the precum leaking from them both as a lubricant and pumped them once, twice, three times.

  Scotty writhed with each stroke, letting out strangled gasps. “I’m not going to make it,” he moaned into Drake’s neck. He ran his teeth along the stubble on Drake’s chin. “Please, hurry, I am not going to make it.”

  Drake took one more second to kiss Scotty hard and deep and then rolled so he could get to his bedside table. Opening the drawer, he sighed with relief when both the condoms and the lubricant were right where he thought they were. He hadn’t used either in so long, he thought maybe he might have moved them or gotten rid of them. Thank God he hadn’t.

  After moving back up the bed, he pulled Scotty up so he was on his back alongside him. Putting the condom wrapper corner in his teeth, he held the lubricant with one hand while adjusting himself between Scotty’s legs. He pulled one of Scotty’s legs so it was on his shoulder, then took the condom from his teeth.

  “You still sure about this?” he asked one last time. As much as it would be hard to stop, they didn’t have to go through all of this tonight. He was close to getting off already.

  Scotty shifted so he was closer, tilted his hips up so that Drake could reach him. “I am sure. Fuck me. Please, fuck me.”

  Drake didn’t need to hear any more. He tore the condom wrapper with his teeth and rolled it on, then flipped open the top of the lube and drizzled some into his hands. Then he quickly rubbed his hands together, warming up th
e lube before taking one hand to run along his own length. With the other hand, he pressed along Scotty’s hot opening. Scotty shivered as his finger pressed but didn’t enter him. His whole body quaked with need, but Drake just massaged, letting Scotty get used to him being there.

  “Oh God, please. I can’t—I don’t need…. Shit,” Scotty whimpered and then moaned as Drake pushed one finger in. He moved his finger in and out slowly, letting the muscles relax around him. Then he pressed in a little deeper and curled his finger to hit that spot and Scotty jerked and cried out.

  “You like that?” Drake asked, doing it again because he wanted to see the way Scotty’s eyes rolled back as he lost all inhibitions.

  “I do. You know I fucking do,” Scotty breathed.

  Drake added a second finger, following the same pattern. He pressed in and out, then back in and curled his fingers to massage along Scotty’s prostate. Scotty cried out again, his hands clawing at the sheets at his sides. He reached like he was searching to drag Drake toward him, but Drake was out of his reach. His body shook with his need and quivered in desire, and when Drake thought maybe he couldn’t take any more, he pulled his fingers out to line his aching cock up to Scotty’s hole. And with a small slow thrust, he pushed in.

  The sound Scotty made as Drake pushed in almost undid Drake altogether, but he kept it together and slowly worked his way in past the tight muscles and deep into the heat of Scotty’s body. He pressed until he was sheathed as far as he could go, and he paused. Leaning forward, he claimed another kiss; then with a jerk of his hips, he thrust forward hard.

  Scotty cried out and whimpered around his lips, and Drake continued to snap his hips forward, fucking him hard. Nails scratched at his back, bringing him down closer, and one of Scotty’s legs wrapped around his waist to press them even tighter together, while the other used Drake’s shoulder as leverage so they had an even better, deeper angle.

  Drake moaned as Scotty flexed and tightened around him. Dragging his teeth along Scotty’s skin, he moved his hips even faster, drawing even louder sounds from Scotty. “I’m not going to last much longer.”