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  Scotty wrapped his arms around Drake’s neck, pulling his head down so he could capture his lips. “Neither am I.”

  Letting the overwhelming sensation take over, Drake pumped his hips until his orgasm ripped from him. He continued to thrust until he was finished, and then with a quick breath, he collapsed on Scotty.

  “I’ve been having dreams about that since the last time you drove me home,” Drake grated out, almost too exhausted to move, but he pushed himself up. They weren’t done yet. Holding the end of the condom, he pulled out, then ran to the bathroom. He hurried back, bringing a washcloth with him. He smiled at Scotty, then threw the cloth to the side. “For later,” he said and crawled back on the bed.

  Scotty hadn’t moved the entire time Drake was gone and now he lay with his legs still spread and one hand lazily rubbing up and down along his straining erection.

  Drake crawled until he was back between Scotty’s legs, but this time he let himself collapse down so that his lips were at just the right point. Just to tease Scotty, who was still so aroused he was practically out of it, he blew along the sensitive cockhead and smiled as the member jerked in response. Then licking his lips, he took Scotty into his mouth.

  “Oh shit.” Scotty moaned, lifting his hips off the mattress and pushing farther into Drake’s throat. Drake relaxed his muscles so he could take Scotty deeper and swallowed around him, loving the sound of Scotty cursing under his breath as he squirmed. After a few twists of Drake’s tongue and a torturous glide of teeth along sensitive skin, Scotty cried out and came. Drake pulled back so only some of the fluid went in his mouth. Another shot landed on his chin and another on Scotty’s chest.

  Smiling, he swallowed the cum in his mouth and let Scotty watch as he wiped the cum from his chin and licked it from his fingers. Scotty shivered as he watched, and Drake dropped down to once again seize Scotty’s lips. This time he did so with the taste of Scotty still fresh on him.

  Totally sated and exhausted, Drake fell back to his side so he was facing Scotty. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. He hadn’t felt this satisfied in a long time. They lay in contented silence for a while, and then Scotty shifted so that he was facing Drake.

  “That was way better than I had imagined it,” he said, reaching over to brush some hair off Drake’s forehead. Then he let his fingers softly caress his face. Drake tilted his chin to nuzzle into Scotty’s fingers, enjoying their soothing strokes. “And trust me, I imagined it pretty fucking good.”

  “If this was that good when we were rushed, and let’s face it, a little desperate, imagine what it will be like when we take our time,” Drake said with a lethargic smile.

  “Hmmm.” Scotty sighed, then pressed their foreheads together. “A repeat of the same wouldn’t be a disappointment either.”

  Drake laughed. “I think I would be satisfied with a repeat performance.”

  They lay that way for a while, fingers softly caressing exposed flesh, exploring each other’s bodies, totally content to just lie there, no need for conversation, no haste to get back at it. Drake hadn’t realized how much he would like having someone in his arms as he was drifting into sleep. Usually his guests didn’t stick around long enough for sleeping to even be an issue, and considering the life he led, he had always been fine with that. But something about Scotty’s lithe body twined with his ignited a desire deep within himself. A desire to belong to somebody. To have something to care about more than revenge. A need to have someone who wanted to be with him.

  As crazy as it was to think those types of things, Drake couldn’t help but once again fall into the fantasy. Letting his lips curl into a relaxed smile, he tilted his chin to press soft lips to Scotty’s in a quick chaste kiss, then tucked his chin and enjoyed listening to the even, soothing sounds of Scotty’s breath as it lulled him off to sleep.

  Chapter 12

  DRAKE WOKE with a start. What was happening? What woke him?

  A small noise came from outside his room, and Drake tried to clear sleep from his head as he pushed himself up in time to see a light flash off down the hall. He tensed, ready to roll off the side of the bed and grab one of the guns strapped under his nightstand for just this occasion. He let instincts take over and held his breath as he waited for the moment that action would begin. His palm itched, his hand ready for the strike, but as a dark figure materialized into view, his tension eased.

  Scotty tiptoed into the room, highlighted by the morning light glittering through the curtains covering the window. He quietly shut the door behind him, moving stealthily as if trying not to wake Drake. Drake’s breath left him in a single rush as he let himself relax back into the soft pillows.

  He definitely wasn’t used to someone being in his house when he was asleep. Generally, he made it a rule never to entertain overnight guests at his place, but as he watched Scotty sleep-stumble back toward bed, Drake smiled. He definitely could get used to someone staying the night. A very specific someone.

  Scotty pushed back the covers to crawl in next to Drake. His now chilly skin just barely brushed Drake’s.

  Drake blinked at him as he settled into bed. Their eyes met.

  “Hi.” Drake smiled, scooting closer and letting his body’s heat encompass Scotty.

  Scotty returned the smile, then shifted even closer so they were wrapped together. “Hi.”


  Scotty hummed a pleased little sound, snuggling deeper into the pillows. “Yeah.” His eyes drifted closed.


  Drake enjoyed the feel of warm skin pressed against his under the sheet. He reveled in the fact that he could run his fingers up and down Scotty’s arm, memorizing his contours and shape. He enjoyed the feel of coarse hair mingling with his as their legs touched. More than anything, he relished the contented lift of Scotty’s lips as he slowly drifted back into restful sleep in Drake’s arms.

  Damn, he could get used to this.

  Listening to Scotty’s even breaths, Drake studied his face. Yeah, he liked what he saw. Even more than that, he liked how he felt. It was nice to be wrapped around someone who wasn’t just another warm body. So many of his partners had been someone to take the edge off, someone to help him forget the world he lived in, even if only for a couple of hours. Lying next to Scotty, Drake realized how much he savored having someone who he actually cared about and who might actually care about him. Scotty seemed to give a damn about his well-being. He concerned himself with Drake’s drinking. Not that that was a sign for a good relationship. Just the fact that Scotty needed to be concerned about his drinking was an omen for future problems. But Drake couldn’t help but live the dream, at least for the night.

  Sleep was just beginning to reclaim him when a soft buzzing followed by a soothing harp playing harmoniously broke into his consciousness. Groaning, Drake used one hand to search for his phone, trying to silence the damn alarm while still keeping his eyes shut.

  His phone wasn’t where he usually stashed it. With another groan, he opened his eyes, trying to follow the sound.

  “What the heck is that?” Scotty moaned plaintively from his side of the bed, covering his head with the sheet.

  Finding the source of the jingle, Drake sighed. He’d left his phone in his pant pocket, and he could see the cloth jiggling where it vibrated. Pulling himself up into a seated position, he rubbed his hands over his face.

  “It’s my damn alarm,” Drake said, pushing the blanket and sheet to the side so he could silence the damn machine.

  “What time is it?” Scotty’s voice came muffled from under the sheet.

  Drake pushed to his feet. “It has to be about nine thirty. That’s when my first alarm goes off.”

  Scotty groaned again. “Nine thirty? Are you kidding me? We went to sleep like three hours ago!”

  Finally hitting the small button on the top of the phone, Drake returned it to silence. Drake collapsed back on the bed. “Don’t remind me.” He pushed his phone under his pillow.r />
  “Why in the world do you have an alarm set for this ungodly hour?” Scotty asked again, head still covered.

  Drake slithered back under the covers, letting his legs wrap with Scotty’s. “It’s when I usually attempt to get up. I don’t actually get up until about ten or ten thirty, but I start the day with good intentions.”


  Drake snorted. “It’s important to start every day with good intentions.”

  Scotty moved as if to smack Drake, but the sheet hindered his arm and he gave up. “You know what I mean.”

  Nestling closer, tucking his chin into the sheet where it was indented from the crevice from shoulder to head, he breathed softly, feeling the heat soak into the fabric. “You don’t expect me to have a body like this by sleeping all day, do you?”

  “Oh God, you run, don’t you?” Scotty’s muffled exclaim sounded morally offended.

  Laughing, Drake snuggled in, wrapping his arms around Scotty and pulling him in, enjoying the feel of the man relaxing against him. “Among other things. Don’t you?” Drake couldn’t imagine that Scotty could keep his lithe figure without doing something.

  “Only when I have to. Now, shhh, time to sleep.” Scotty’s voice was already light with slumber.

  Drake held in his laugh, although it did take some effort. This was a part of Scotty that he hadn’t known existed, the lazy and tired side. Drake smiled.

  The silence lasted approximately eight minutes before, once again, Drake’s alarm started its sweet song.

  Drake choked on his laugh, digging under the pillow for his phone as Scotty threw the sheet from his head with a frustrated but amused groan.

  “You have got to be kidding me. You hit snooze?”

  Drake chuckled, finding the phone and going through the settings to turn the alarm off. “There, it’s off.”

  Scotty huffed, staring up at the ceiling. “Well, I’m up now.”

  “In that case, do you want to go for a run?” Drake pursed his lips, holding back a grin.

  Turning on his side so that he was facing Drake, Scotty scooted a little closer, dipping his head so they were practically nose-to-nose. “Hmm, I think I can think of a better way to get that morning burn in.”

  Drake pushed up and turned, pressing Scotty down onto his back on the mattress. He kept their faces the same distance apart. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” Scotty said breathlessly, before closing the distance between them.

  Chapter 13

  DRAKE COUNTED out the tips from the night before and separated them into piles. As he divided the bills, he glanced up to watch Scotty on the other side of the bar setting up his station. He smiled as Scotty turned around to shoot him a quick glance and caught him looking. They smiled stupidly at each other before both going back to what they were doing.

  “Hey, Drake,” Julie said, leaning against the counter. She had a moist towel in one hand and the spray bottle in the other from cleaning off the tops of the tables.

  “Jules.” Drake nodded at her. Julie had dark features and almond-shaped eyes she accentuated with black eyeliner. Where on some, the dark lines could be taken as overuse of the eye product, on Julie it helped to contrast against her eerily light blue eyes.

  “Jenny called and said that she might run a little late. Her sitter called in sick and she has to find someone else.”

  Drake nodded. “Does she need the night? I could call in Ethan, or heaven forbid, we could make sure Jacob is around tonight.”

  Julie shook her head. “Nah, she said that if she doesn’t make it on time, that she would only be about twenty to thirty minutes late.”

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know.” Drake picked up one of the stacks of cash and handed it to Julie, who took it graciously.


  Drake watched her walk to the back where the staff stored their stuff and then picked up another stack to take to Scotty. With the cash in hand, Drake leaned against the counter and watched Scotty as he moved fluidly around the small space behind the bar. It was a sight Drake was pretty sure he would never get sick of.

  The last twenty hours had been some of the best times that Drake could remember. He couldn’t remember a time when his main focus, his only reason for breathing, wasn’t Boredega. His life had revolved around the cartel; everything he had done had been to get to this point, but now….

  Scotty had opened his eyes to the possibilities. The blinders Drake had to everything but the cartel were starting to widen, and thoughts he had never believed possible were beginning to peek through. Somehow, Scotty had managed to burst into his world and spread a light in his world of darkness. Obviously, he still needed to take down the cartel, and he wasn’t stupid. He had done and risked too much to back out now. Besides, he couldn’t walk away at this point without getting a bullet to the head. But maybe…

  Maybe Drake had finally found another reason for living.

  Lips turned up in a lighthearted smile, Drake walked up behind Scotty. He took a glance around to make sure they were mostly alone, or that at least no one was paying attention to them, and then he leaned the front of his body against Scotty’s back.

  Scotty jumped but quickly pulled himself together. He faced Drake with a warm smile that made Drake’s heart miss a beat and leaned forward, giving Drake a quick chaste kiss.

  “Hi,” Scotty whispered as Drake pushed back so they could look at each other.

  Drake took a deep breath, breathing in the soothing scent of Scotty, a tangy aftershave that smelled as if he had spent the morning on the beach and the underlying smell of simply Scotty.

  “Hi,” Drake repeated, lost in the encompassing atmosphere that Scotty emitted. But then at the sound of a stool being pushed to the side, scraping against the floor in a jarring whine, he jumped back.

  Biting his lip, Scotty looked down, holding back a laugh. Drake snorted as he turned to make sure no one was paying attention still and held out yesterday’s tips for Scotty.

  “Um, here are your tips,” Drake said stupidly.

  Scotty’s eyes glistened amusedly as he took the offered money. “Thanks, Boss.”

  Drake didn’t move as Scotty folded the bills and shoved them into his pocket to deal with later. They watched each other for a couple more minutes before Drake realized they probably looked like lovesick fools gazing at each other like that and stepped back, clearing his throat. He glanced around but only saw Julie in sight, who was busily wiping down tables.

  “I’ll, uh,” Drake spluttered. Why in the hell couldn’t he form a sentence?

  Laughing at him, Scotty patted Drake on the cheek. “I have to grab some bottles from the back.”

  “Right, yeah, of course.” Drake rolled his eyes at himself. What the heck was wrong with him? It wasn’t like this was the first time he and Scotty had spoken. Hell, they had spent the better part of the morning together talking. Er, well, Drake supposed there hadn’t been that much talking. But they had spent the entire morning and afternoon together before splitting up so they could get ready for work.

  “You want to help me?” Scotty asked, a deviant glint in his eye.

  Drake swallowed. Holy hell, did he ever. But—and man did it pain him to even think it—he couldn’t let it go this far at work. He had already let it go further than it had any right to go, and now he needed to pull his shit together. Not only was their relationship not at all professional, but it could be dangerous if the wrong people were to know about it.

  Letting regret show on his face, Drake shook his head. “I have some things I have to do in my, uh, office.”

  Scotty shrugged, then winked at Drake. “Maybe next time.”

  Swallowing, Drake took another step back before he did something stupid like change his mind. “Uh, yeah. Next time,” he said and spun on his heel to go hide in his office.

  What kind of bumbling idiot was he? Drake mentally kicked himself as he walked to his office. He had sounded downright stupid out there. It was as if his IQ had droppe
d ten points because Scotty was within touching distance of him. Sex had never done that to him before. Of course, he had never felt as attracted to anyone as he did to Scotty.

  Jesus, he was all off-kilter. He’d only minutes before admitted to himself that he may have found something more important to him than stopping the cartel. But that was impossible, wasn’t it? You couldn’t discard something so fantastical so quickly, could you?

  Drake needed to put a tether on this. Everything was spinning out of control. The sex was good—hell, who was he kidding, the sex was fucking fantastic, pun intended. But that’s all this was. He was thinking with a sex-addled brain. Once he got some space between him and Scotty, he would be able to function more clearly.

  Pushing open his office door, Drake stopped short when he saw Jacob sitting at his desk, feet propped up in total disregard for the paperwork Drake had strewn across the top. Frowning, Drake continued through the door, making sure to shut it behind him.

  What the fuck was happening now? He needed to get his head sewed back on pronto.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Drake demanded, striding confidently up to his desk where Jacob continued to lounge.

  Jacob spread his arms out in a welcoming shrug, his malicious grin belying his gesture. “Waiting for you.”

  Drake stood, legs spread, arms crossed, glaring down at Jacob, who chortled lightly. Jacob lowered his feet to the floor and pushed back in the chair to regain his feet. He stood to his full height, and Drake noticed for the first time how tall the kid was. He wasn’t a big guy, he didn’t have a wide build, but was instead tall and thin, and his arrogant stance and self-righteous vibes gave him a dangerous appearance. Also, the fact that the kid didn’t seem to think twice about acting on his senseless violent nature only added to his malevolence.

  “Well, here I am. What the fuck do you want?”